Samsung's flagship tablet, the Galaxy S4, has finally been launched in India. The tablet was first announced in August alongside the Galaxy Tab A 10.5. The latter has been available in India for a while at an entry-level pricing of Rs 29,990. The Tab S4 comes with a more premium design and hardware compared to the Tab A. The newest tablet highlights an immersive AMOLED display, stereo speakers, DeX support and a refined S Pen, among other things.
The Galaxy Tab S4 has been priced at Rs 57,900. This is around Rs 10,000 more than the price of the Galaxy Tab S3 when it launched last year. The Tab S4 will be available starting October 18 in Black and Grey colours on Samsung's online shop and leading offline retail stores. The tablet will also be available on Amazon India starting October 20. Additionally, the Keyboard Book Cover can be purchased separately for Rs 7,499 as can the regular Book Cover for Rs 3,999 and the POGO charging dock for Rs 3,499.
Customers can purchase the Galaxy Tab S4 with a Rs 5,000 cash back on HDFC Bank Credit cards, and EMI on HDFC Bank Debit cards and Consumer Durable Loans. Jio customers buying the Tab S4 can also avail instant cashback of Rs 2,750 on recharging with Rs 198 or 299 plan. Jio customers can also enjoy double data benefits for up to 4 recharges.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 specifications
The Tab S4 sports a 10.5-inch Super AMOLED display with a 2560×1600 pixel resolution, 287 ppi and an aspect ratio of 16:10. The bezels around the display are slimmer compared to the Tab S3, allowing for a bigger, more immersive viewing experience. This also means there is no home button or fingerprint sensor on the tablet. It offers facial recognition as a biometric login.
Samsung's flagship tablet is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 chipset coupled with 4GB of RAM. The tablet will be offered with 64GB of internal storage while the 256GB variant has not been launched in the country. The Tab S4 supports storage expandability up to 400GB via microSD card. Samsung is touting superior multitasking experience on the Tab S4 compared to its predecessor. The Galaxy Tab S4 will ship with Android Oreo out-of-the-box.
Apart from an immersive display, the Galaxy Tab S4 also offers four speakers (two on the top and two on the bottom) that are tuned by AKG and support Dolby Atmos sound. Notably, the Galaxy Tab S4 is also the first Samsung tablet to support Samsung DeX. All you need is an HDMI adapter (sold separately) to connect the tablet to your workstation. You can also launch DeX from the the on-screen quick panel to get a PC-like experience with a task bar and multi-window capability.
For a complete PC-like experience, you can also purchase a keyboard and mouse for the Galaxy Tab S4 as well. Once the tablet is connected to an external monitor, you can use the tablet as a track pad or sketch pad. You can also continue using the Tab S4 as an Android tablet, giving you two screens to work on.
The S Pen ships with the Galaxy Tab S4 and promises to offer more productivity uses than before. It comes with features like Screen -Off Memo which lets you take notes without having to turn on the display, similar to the Galaxy Note 9. You can also use the stylus to navigate, translate and organize notes through Samsung Notes, and send personalised texts through Samsung Live Message.
The Galaxy Tab S4 brings a 13-megapixel AF sensor on the back with f/1.9 aperture and 1.12 micron pixels. On the front, the tablet gets an 8-megapixel sensor with f/1.9 aperture as well. The tablet houses a 7,300mAh battery with fast charging support over USB Type-C port. It measures 249.3x164.3x7.1 mm and weighs around 482 grams.
We are happy to announce the launch of Galaxy Tab S4, Samsung’s flagship tablet that is designed for people who want to do more on the go - from home to office and everywhere in between. With Galaxy Tab S4, we are introducing a premium tablet that makes lives easier and helps consumers perform their absolute best wherever they go. Paired with Samsung Dex and S Pen, Galaxy Tab S4 is designed for those who need something portable like a tablet yet capable like a PC. With the launch of new Galaxy Tab S4, we want to offer our consumers the ultimate combination of great productivity and immersive entertainment for their super tasking needs, said Aditya Babbar, General Manager, Mobile Business, Samsung India.
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